About Go4Guru :

Go4Guru, started in the year 2007, is registered as an online tutoring company in USA & India. Go4Guru helps worldwide students to learn from their home in a broad spectrum of courses. Go4Guru has unlimited online academic classes, extra curricular activity classes and skill training classes.
About Franchise :
As a win-win concept, Go4Guru has started a work from home program for the house wives, students and the rest of the people who want to earn an extra income by working for few hours in a day from their home itself, irrespective of the geographical boundaries.
How it works?
After registering as Franchise in Go4Guru, promo code will be allotted for you. You can start referring students to go4guru online classes using YOUR promocode.The referred students have to register in www.Go4Guru.com with YOUR promo code and they will get 10 % instant discount in their 1st month fees. When students mention your Franchise promo code while registering, you will also receive a copy of student registration details.Students you referred will start taking online classes and become students of Go4Guru. You will get profit every month until the students you referred are taking classes with Go4Guru.
What are the online classes offered?
Music Classes : Online Carnatic Music Classes, Online Hindustanic Music Classes, Online Light Music, Online Instrumental Classes like Violin, Veena, Flute, Guitar, Keyboard, Piano, Drums, Tabla etc.,
Academic Classes : Math, Science, All Indian and other Languages and all subjects for Primary, Middle and High School
Co-curricular Classes : Online Abacus Classes, Online Chess Classes, Online Yoga Classes
Skill Training :
2.Food –Chocolate Making
3.Computer Graphics: Photoshop, graphical designing, website designing
4.Financial education
6.Travel and tourism marketing
8.Embroidery - apparel making
9.Short hand
10.Mass media - Cinematography, Script writing, making Short films
How profits calculated for Franchisee:
For example, Franchisee refers students and5 students join for Carnatic Music.
Number of classes: 8 classes per month.
Class duration : One hour
(All fee calculations are not actuals, just for illustrative purpose)For examplae if fees for Carnatic music is :$15 per class.
Fee for 1 student: 8 classes X $ 15 = $ 120 per month
1stMonth Revenue:5 students Join for Carnatic music classes. Therefore,
Fees paid for 1st month by one student: $ 120
For this transaction, Franchisee gets profit of15 % of this payment, i.e., $ 18 for one student
For 5 students in the 1st month, total revenue for Franchisee is- 5 students x $ 18 = $ 90
2ndMonth Revenue:In this month, Franchisee refers students and another 5 new students join for Carnatic music
Fees paid by new student for 2nd month :$ 120 per student
Revenue from 2nd month students- 5 students x $ 18 = $90&
Profit from previous month 5 students -$90
So total revenue in the second month is – $ 90 + $90 = $180
3rdMonth Revenue:In this month, Franchisee refers and another 5 new students join for Carnatic music
Fees paid by new students for 3rd month :$120 per student
Profit from 3rdmonth students - 5 students x $18 = $90 &
profit from previous month students = $180
So total revenue in 3rd month is $180 + $90 = $270
4thMonth Revenue:In this month, Franchisee refers and another 5 students join for Carnatic music
Fees paid by new students for 4thmonth :$120 per student
Profit from 4thmonth students - 5 students x $18 = $90 &
Profit from previous month students = $270
So total revenue in 4th Month = $270 + $90 = $360
5thMonth Revenue:In this month, Franchisee refers and another 5 students for Carnatic music
Fees paid by new students for 5thmonth :$120 per student
Profit from 5thmonth students - 5 students x $18 = $90&
Profit from previous month students =$360
So total revenue in 5th Month is $360 + $90= $450
6thMonth Revenue:In this month, Franchiseerefers and another 5 students join for Carnatic music
Fees paid by new students for 6thmonth :$120 per student
Profit from 6thmonth students - 5 students x $18 = $90&
Profit from previous month students $450
So total revenue in 6th Month is $450 +$90 = $540
From 7th month, 25 % incentives will be calculated for the new students
Terms and Conditions :
Franchise program recurring revenue model starts from April 23rd Thursday
Recurring revenue will be given 10th of every month
To get recurring revenue, minimum 5 new students should be join with Go4Guru.
If less than 5 new students in a month, there won’t be recurring revenue and incentives will be calculated based on the agreed percentage for the new students in the particular month only.
What you have to do:
Start referring students to Go4Guru in your flexible timings and start receiving recurring profits. Franchisee can approach friends, relatives, neighbours, apartment associations. Franchisee can distribute flyers, post in Facebook, send whatsapp messages and send emails with Franchisee promocode number. You can also give ad in local media with your promo code. Franchise is a good investment opportunity too. Franchise will return profits for your TIME & MONEY! Franchise will make you RICH!
It is a golden opportunity to work from home, earn money, with no investment and in your flexible hours and no boundaries! Earning is unlimited!
Franchise will make you RICH!
Kayamboo Ramalingam
CEO, Go4Guru
+1 240 633 0563
+91 87542 55117 (Whatsapp)
[email protected]